See this scrap of paper?
That’s what I grabbed and began scribbling on as I listened to the HiHelloSura Show podcast featuring Anita Stubenrauch.

Anita Stubenrach, founder of Cause Effect Creative
I knew Anita at Apple and got to see the exciting moment she left to start Cause Effect Creative, a consultancy, and the Make and Believe retreat in Murphy, CA, that together help people unlock their creativity to think big, convey their passion and become the hero of their life story.
I’ll highly suggest you listen and answer the questions she gives as a way to help you stop spinning your wheels and focus on what matters to you. Once you get in touch with how worthy you are of living a big life that has nothing to do with how much money or fame you have, you’ll understand what you have to offer and why you want to convey that passion. Then you can reach far and wide to better your corner of the world.
Anita’s podcast came at a particularly prescient moment for me. I’ve been lucky enough throughout my life to live 90% in the realm of creativity, both through writing and movement. Now, as you know if you’ve been reading these entries, I’ve been struggling with the tech side of marketing this next next novel. The creativity involved is mostly creative problem-solving, which is useful, but often time-intensive and frustrating because I lack the technical foundation.
So I have to ask myself, as Anita encourages during the podcast, why am I doing all of this?
Because that’s how strongly I feel I need to tell the story of 15-year-old Mary Donahue.
That is a heady thought. Thousands of hours to write the story. Hundreds of hours to submit. Thousands more to get the word out in addition to dealing with all of the technical angst.
Because that’s how strongly I feel about this character. She’s alone. She’s drowning. She can feel herself drowning. And what a terrible thing for a smart, young teen.
So Anita is right, folks! Once you know what’s important to you and start on your journey, I feel bad for the dragon that gets in your way.
And here’s yet another pitch for Anita: She said she’s developing an online class that can help you answer those inner questions and help you transform your piece of the world. So check out her website.
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