Enter to win “Winter Light” Giveaway #1 by leaving an answer to this question on Martha Engber’s Creatives
Today starts the first of three giveaways to celebrate the publication of Winter Light Oct. 6, 2020, now available for preorder.
The process is simple:
visit my Facebook author page
leave your answer to the above question
Just by participating, your name is entered to win the Chicago-themed prize. I’ll choose a winner at 5 p.m. Pacific/7 p.m. Central/8 p.m. EST on Mon., Sept. 28, via Facebook Live.
I do know Sept. 28 is Yom Kippur. If you’re busy celebrating that holiday, you’re welcome to join the next two giveaways:
Sept. 28 (winner chosen Oct. 6)
Oct. 6 (winner chosen Oct. 13)
All prizes are Chicago themed to reflect the book’s setting. The first is this, an amazingly soft CHICAGO BEARS plush toy.
If you’re not around for the live drawing, I’ll message you for contact information so I can send the gift.
For those of you who will be arranging fun events for the publication of your book, I worked with publishing consultant Kate Tilton to organize these three giveaways. I found her help with timing and logistics invaluable!

Preorder Winter Light, due out Oct. 6, 2020
For a full list of my book launch events, visit my website.